Tuesday, August 25, 2015

What Will Jesus' New World Order Look Like?

It's difficult to communicate with followers of Jesus Christ concerning His ruling and reigning on the earth in this age. The problem tends to be people thinking it means taking over the existing government and forcing people to obey. That isn't it at all.

What Jesus has always had in mind is a people that walk in obedience to Him with the help of the Holy Spirit; meaning, a people that are self-disciplined. From there, as we are commanded by Jesus in what is called "The Great Commission," we are to teach nations to observe all that He has commanded. That includes of course all of the revelation in the Holy Scriptures.

We're not talking about an ecclesiocracy, as misguided Catholics attempted to impose, with clergy leading everything - including civil government. There are different spheres of dominion, including the family, church and civil government. Each operates separate from one another, although in the kingdom of God, they have an influence upon each other.

So the idea of separate of church and state isn't Biblical, if it is meant by that the state is to be separated from the commands of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Scriptures. Whether the church, family or state, all must bow down before the Lord Jesus Christ.

The New World Order of Jesus will be one that comes about from the moving of the Holy Spirit within the hearts and minds of people, and ordered by the revelation of Jesus Christ within the Holy Scriptures. In other words, what God has always had in mind before the foundation of the world: a people representative of and obedient to Him.

We are a people called to take responsibility. First for our own lives, and than those whom God has called us to serve. Within those parameters, we can search out the Scriptures and find insight into how we can do the will of God in every area of life. That's the new creation. That's what God intended from before the foundation of the world.

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