Thursday, August 27, 2015

Satan's Conspiracy Against God

The title of this blog is of course a play on the corrupt desires of Satan, who desired to be a god, and in fact, be as God. He expresses that into the world be his sick and evil life, understanding the weaknesses of men and women, and exploiting them for his purposes.

From the beginning he had entered into a conspiracy against God, and that conspiracy continues to this day.

By that I'm not promoting the type of borderline hysteria some believers enter into, when they search out all sorts of odd events or evil happening in the world, and attempt to wrap all sorts of conspiracies theories around it.

That doesn't mean there aren't any real conspiracies. The existence of a fallen being like Satan guarantees there will be conspiracies on the earth in an attempt to frustrate the purposes of God. It's that we shouldn't get overly concerned about them, but rather work to pursue living a quiet and peaceable life in this age and world.

We must be aware of what's going on, but not be distracted from our simple devotion to Christ. That was the real temptation in the garden of Eden, as Paul told us, and we need to remained focused on our own obedience, while taking care of the responsibilities God has given us in this world.

If we end up bring endlessly distracted by all the evil the media reports to us, we won't be fruitful from the word of God we read, hear or receive from others.

That's why Satan attempts to exploit our concern over evil, where he makes it look much more powerful and inevitable than it really is. It's the daily obedience and devotion to Christ as the local level that rolls back evil, and when the followers of Jesus Christ understand that, we will be laser-like in our walk with God, and we won't go down every rabbit hole that we hear about or find. We'll never do anything to bring the New World Order of Jesus in, if we are endlessly reading, hearing or wringing our hands about the latest atrocity or evil emerging in the world

We win when we stay on message and calling. That's what changes the world, that's the new creation expanding across the earth.

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