Thursday, August 20, 2015

How to Win the Battle for Planet Earth

One of the major problems faced by Christians is their being fed the line so much that Jesus is going to return
soon (including specific dates and seasons packaged between the pages of silly and false books).

Now many Christians are reaping the sowing of the sad results of that wrongheaded idea, and are finding themselves unable to cope in this world, let along subdue the earth as we were commanded by the Lord to Adam and Eve.

The good news is Jesus still holds to the Biblical thought that He will sit at the right hand of the Father until His enemies are made a footstool for His feet. We need to embrace that and start working in the promise of victory, as His enemies in this world are surely not a footstool for His feet yet, so He will remain in heaven beside His Father until that is made a realty.

What that implies is we are the agents of that victory, and with the help of the Holy Spirit under the guidelines, laws and commands of the Holy Scriptures, we will secure this earth for the Lord.

Having said that, it must be understood that it could take centuries to do so, or even longer. Jesus isn't going to return because times are getting tough. Rather, He is sifting through the chaff and exposing them to His people in order to get rid of them and not cooperate in any way with their sinful teachings, and in some cases - practices.

The obvious question is this: What do we do? The answer is easy: whatever we are able to do that no one else can do. By that I don't mean if someone is feeding the poor, for example, in your neighborhood or small town, you aren't to participate in that and offer your services. It means we are to identify what our calling is, and faithfully search it out and get excellent in it as we serve.

Since we aren't used to thinking of ruling and reigning in this life, it can be hard to rearrange our thinking. Consequently, at first it may seem difficult to figure out what it is we're to be involved in or pursue.

That's also not too difficult when you dwell upon the idea. Just contemplate life in general, and look at all the different parts of life one can serve in.

We already are doing so in the battle against abortion and homosexuality, but there are many more that need to be under the influence of Christ.

For example, there are the arts and all that is included in them. You could write in a variety of ways, paint, sculpt, and once proficient at them, start to exercise influence by serving others with similar interests.

That's the key by the way. This isn't talking about bossing or ordering people around, but earning an audience with others by faithful and sacrificial service. That's what opens the door for people to listen to what you have to say and be influenced by who you are in Christ.

Going back to the arts, think of writing. There is poetry, short stories, non-fiction, fiction, and an endless number of topics to choose from. Again, the point is to show you there are so many aspects of life that need the influence and rule of Jesus Christ, and until we take those steps, the world will continue to go on as it is, and only get worse. That won't be good for us, our children, or our grandchildren.

What are some other areas to get involved in? There is science, mechanics, family, raising children, taking care of the elderly, euthanasia, faithfulness, entertainment, education, and a plethora of other areas.  Not only that, but within each of these segments of life dozens, if not hundreds of other related topics could be investigated. What we need to do is understand this all comes from service leading to the rule of Jesus Christ permeating the earth.

We don't want to do what believers did back in the time of Constantine when he ruled Rome. They took upon themselves to eventually take over the sick empire and rule it in the form of an ecclesiocracy (the church ruling everything). I don't mean the fictitious separation of church and state, as the people of God are to be salt and light to government as well as all other areas.

Rather, there are different types of institutions, with the primary and most important being government, the church, and the family. Each has its sphere of influence, and each should take its proper role and place in the world. The church is in the teaching role of guiding individuals, government and families in what God has to say about their respective responsibilities.

We aren't trying to take over the world. Who wants to take over death and evil? We are working toward self-government and service, which in all areas of life, will eventually turn the earth into a place obedient unto Christ. It won't become fully obedient, but there will be an overall move in that direction.

This is what it means in the Great Commission, where the disciples were told to teach the nations to do whatever Jesus had commanded them to do, which of course is a reference to the entirety of the Bible.

So be encouraged and don't lose heart. Seek God and the scriptures out, find out what you're called to do, and spend your life serving in that capacity. That is what will bring the kingdom of God to earth, as Jesus taught us to pray, when saying we should pray for His kingdom to come and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let's pray that prayer, and cooperate with the Lord Jesus Christ to take our part in bringing it to fulfillment.

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