Thursday, August 27, 2015

Service Opens Doors

Far too many of us look to big things to do when contemplating what we are to do to help grow God's kingdom on earth.

In my own experience, and the experience of people I know that have made a lasting impact, it's almost always finding ways to serve people in little ways which end up opening doors - first to their hearts, where the gospel can than be presented to them, and further to building something locally for the glory of Jesus.

It's amazing to see how people will respond to you when you do things for them with no strings attached. They learn to trust you, knowing you're not trying to get something from them personally. That is more life-changing and powerful than anything I've seen in my life, as far as it relates to opening the doors of the heart unto the message of Jesus Christ.

The point is we must never underestimate humbly serving the people we know or come into contact with, and never overestimate the idea of being some type of entertainment preacher that draws big crowds. Rarely does that have any lasting impact, and it rarely lasts. There are of course a few exceptions, but overall, God's kingdom expands from the one-on-one contact and service we have and perform with and for people.

It usually takes a little longer to gain ground that way, but the roots go deeper and the fruit is much healthier.

Find ways to serve your community and you'll change the world you move in.

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