Tuesday, September 15, 2015

False End-time Prophecies and Loss of Functioning of Body of Christ

The term paralysis is an interesting one in that it refers to the loss of muscle function in the muscles of the body. It's instructive for our purpose of looking at whether or not Jesus is going to return soon, because the seemingly endless number of so-called end-time prophecies, one after another, end in failure as time proves them all wrong.

Eventually we must come to the place where we legitimately question those throwing out these false prognostications, drawing the inevitable conclusion they are creating them out of their own imaginations, from self-deception, or maybe there is a more nefarious reason for their predictions.

Having said that, the reason it's important to honestly look at these false prophecies (and they are false prophecies) is because the result of believing Jesus is going to return any moment and snatch His church away to heaven, brings about paralysis to the body of Christ. After all, if Jesus is returning soon, why should we try to improve ourselves or attempt to apply the word of God to the circumstances of life if we're not going to be here for very long? The answer of course is there is no reason, which is why these false prophecies can't be taken lightly. It's serious business to speak in the name of God, and when one does, they have to be questioned if their words fail to come to pass.

We have to stop making excuses for these people, even if we like them or other things they have to say. There's absolutely nothing wrong with challenging them concerning their failed prophecies, as the lives of many believers can be wasted for years if we make decisions based upon them.

If they're someone in authority, it should be done with respect, but it should be done. Allowing someone to go on in one failed prophecy after another, not only is irresponsible, but cruel to them in their deception, and cruel to those that believe what they assert.

One good thing about every failed prophecy in our lifetimes is each time they fail, there is a little more healthy skepticism over the next one, and finally, we start to ignore them.

Better than that, a growing number of us begin to think of ways we can obey the command of Jesus to pray for His kingdom to come and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, and then ask Him to show us how we can cooperate with that prayer.

We desperately need followers of Jesus Christ to take up their gifts and callings and serve them those with whom they have an influence in their lives. The church and the world need people with a Biblical worldview to show what God expects and how we can meet those expectations.

When you think through these prophecies, there's little reason for them to be made in the first place. After all, there is only going to be one time in history when Jesus will return: at the resurrection of the dead. Every other moment we're supposed to be living in obedience to Christ and working in His name.

By working I'm not necessarily talking about a job, but rather about doing everything we find to do as unto the Lord. It includes all legitimate aspects of life not associated with sinning against God and His holy word.

As I write there are even more books talking about blood moons and other silly things, which may point to conclusions being drawn that end up with people being paralyzed into watching and waiting, while their lives continue to pass on by them on this earth.

We're created to show forth the person and commands of Christ while we're on the earth, and sitting around waiting for the next prophecy, vision or revelation, where people seek escape or the next experiential high, will eventually lead to the time they're no longer doing anything unto Christ, and their lives come sadly to an end with little to show for it concerning Christ.

There's a reason all sorts of names are applied to God's people, including family, army, body, temple, among many others. These are names that mean this is something we are living now. It's not pointing only to some future eternal situation we enter into once our lives are over. We are to move towards being and doing these things now, as we prepare for eternity with Jesus Christ and the entire Godhead.

Over and over again I see believers taking note of the latest news story in order to fit in into some type of "prophetic" scheme. Each time it's proven to be wrong, but that doesn't deter many people because they've become convinced they're going to escape responsibility and difficult times. Much of this comes from not understanding we are now kings and priests unto our God, and we are to rule and reign in this life now, through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Of course that will extend into eternity, but it starts now.

Forget the endless prophecies and negative headlines you see. They have always been with us, and they will continue on. Focus instead on how you can serve Christ by serving others in some capacity now. That is how the kingdom of God manifests itself in this world.

Together as we grow in understanding and expertise, we'll learn how to do this better, as we pass on what we've learned to the next generation.

From generation to generation the kingdom of God will expand and grow in the earth until it's filled with His glory, as the Scriptures teach us. Now that's something worth committing to and living for.

What if Jesus Doesn't Return Soon 

False End-time Prophecies and Loss of Functioning of Body of Christ

In the Heart of God before creation

Sit ... Until I Make Thine Enemies Thy Footstool

Some Thoughts on the Last Days

Great Encouragement

Taking Responsibility

Christian Service

Little Things

Progress and the Kingdom


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